måndag 6 augusti 2012

A teetotaller branded as 'alcoholic' loses her child

The social workers are nuts, and they have the mandate to take irreversible decisions over people's lives, by false accusations. Stories similar to the article below also happens in Sweden.

"On July 25, for instance, a local newspaper reported that the Court of Appeal had confirmed a lower court ruling that a baby should be adopted because its mother had tried to commit suicide by throwing herself out of a window when drunk. “The woman,” said the paper, “insisted that she fell from the window in a drunken mishap.” The court was alleged to have heard that “social workers feared that the mother was a heavy drinker and drug user”, and had taken her baby into care “believing that she had tried to commit suicide”.
Just where the local paper got this story from is a mystery, because it bore so little relation either to what was actually said in the Court of Appeal, or to the truth. I am reliably assured that the mother has nothing whatever to do with alcohol or drugs. Her fall from a first-floor window, which left her temporarily paralysed, was no more than a horrible accident, as was accepted by everyone at the time, including a psychiatrist and the hospital to which she was taken. But, still in her hospital bed, she was apparently handed a telephone, to be told by a social worker that her baby was being taken into care."

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