tisdag 7 augusti 2012

AMERlCAN DAILY HERRALD: Why is the Swedish State So Cruel and Heartless?

It is a lot worse that you can imagine...

"What perverse philosophy makes the Swedish State so indifferent to the human suffering and misery that their agencies have caused? What is it that so numbs the sensitivities of these people toward the suffering of families that they themselves have been instrumental in destroying? Do they hate families? Do they hate love? Are they even qualified to be dealing with human beings at all, let alone having such absolute power over them? Are they brainwashed? Are they emotional retards? Do they have any conscience, any sense of guilt for what they have done? What exactly are they and what has happened to their humanity?
Not until I was forced to probe deep into the political philosophy of this country which seems to be embraced by all the mainstream political parties (just as the political parties of the former German Democratic Republic were forced to embrace a communist social framework) did I begin to find the answers. It has taken me some time but what I have dug up greatly alarms me because Sweden is pursuing a social illusion that can only end up hurting more and more ordinary citizens who have been persuaded to so implicitly trust their government to see them right in everything.
In fact it is truly astonishing just how much the Swedish people trust their government and how truly shocked they will be when they find out what is really going on behind the scenes. They have no idea that thay have been gradually hijacked by a wicked, undemocratic political system that was exposed in the 20th century as having been responsible for untold misery and the deaths of more people than in all the other centuries of world history combined. And it's the same system which lies behind the European Union today to which Sweden belongs and has perhaps even helped shape."

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2 kommentarer:

  1. Jävla skitland. Vakna upp!

  2. Det är skrämmande hur vår utrikesminister "leker krig" med en annan stat Belarys ...angående mänskliga rättigheter i Belarys. Vet inte Carl Bildt att hans egen STAT utövar förtryck och krymheter LAGLIGT inom sitt systematiskt grymma ÄMBETSMANNAVÄLDE?
    Utrikesministern borde göra rent i eget hus FÖRST! Så som han "skäller som en medelstor hund" kan leda till att han får leda sina trupper mot Belarys i stilen med de tidigare krigshjältekungarna. Historien verkar kunna upprepa sig...
